Monday, February 23, 2015

Miami - Top City for Hit and Run Crimes

Over the years, hit and run cases have drastically increased in Miami-Dade county. It seems to have gone from a hit and run case a month to practically every week. It is difficult to determine what is in the mind of someone who does not demonstrate the moral scruples to stop so as to determine the injuries or fate of the person he/she hits and call 911. Such demonstration of concern is expected of humans who have a conscience. At first, my thoughts on who could be responsible for such a crime led to many speculations such as the person may not have a driver's license or they may be drunk or they may not have legal status, etc., etc.. The reasoning goes on and on but none of the excuses could justify how a hit and run represents cruelty with no conscience   I was involved in a hit and run and my first instinct was not to drive away but to remain on the scene so as to determine the welfare of the person. Further, the police officer on the scene advised that the accident was not my fault and that there are many similar cases where drivers thought they were at fault but really were not. However, in Miami drivers do not seem to wait around for their doubts to be addressed. Not only are children the victims of hit and run, but today a lady in a wheel chair was struck and left to die on the streets. Certainly, the driver must have realized that he hit a wheelchair as this is an object that cannot be mistaken. We live in a society were there is no love for humankind. Hitting another human and driving off is wrong and must stop.

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