Monday, February 16, 2015

Street Demonstrations Quickly Lose Steam

Image result for hands up don't shoot
There are so many heart rendering social causes against injustices worthwhile supporting. Initially, so many supporters jump on the band wagon and participate in demonstrations to the satisfaction of the media. Trevon Martin is an example of how people came out in droves to air their dissatisfaction that he was unjustly murdered by George Zimmerman. Even before Trevon, there have been demonstrations over police killings in New York and elsewhere. The recent killings in Ferguson, MO and Staten Island, NY are two cases where a multitude of persons made their dissatisfaction heard in the form of demonstrations through the streets. Even the 2% demonstrations in New York years ago was an example of people taking a stance against injustice. However, it is discomforting that this passion soon dies and the huge crowd of people quickly dwindles to the family, friends, and those who remain committed to the cause. During the Montgomery Bus Boycott, African Americans were determined not to drive on buses no matter how long it took. These people were in it for the long haul and would not let go of their cause until they were successful in having the freedom to board a bus and sit wherever they wanted. Today, people do not seem to have that stamina to continue demonstrating for causes and so they quickly go back to "business as usual". And, in the mean time, young Black men continue to be killed by police officers. Yesterday, a mentally ill man was shot dead by Miami Gardens police. And so, it continues............... Where have the "hands up don't shot" outcry gone?

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