Thursday, February 12, 2015

Defending Evil!

Image result for chapel hill murder

It is always mind boggling when people, especially women, defend their male spouse or child after that person commits an evil, unforgivable act.These women are quite aware that the person they are defending in public has no morality and displays vicious behavior. Yet, the women try to give an impression that this person was an angel who could do no wrong! These women are fooling no one but themselves. Case in point, Karen Hick, called a news conference to say that her husband (murderer of three innocent students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina) "champions the rights of others". Certainly, he could not have been as she described since she filed for divorce the next day. It is time to stop coming out in public and defending persons who are known before hand to be capable of committing crimes. My respect to the three innocent young students in North Carolina.

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