Sunday, February 22, 2015

The System Will Not Change If African Americans Continue to Support It

Image result for oscar snub
Recently, there have been concerns that African Americans have not been represented in popular annual events. The Academy Awards committee failed to nominate any of the cast members or the first female African American director for the highly acclaimed movie, Selma. One of the many concerns expressed is that the all white nominees do not represent the diverse population that now make up the population of the United States. Further on another matter, Yomi Abiola, model and founder of Stand Up for Fashion, brought awareness that Fashion Week, 2015, similar to previous years, lacked minority models on the runway. In fact, her report indicates that between 2008 - 2014, the number of White models hired to participate on the Fashion Week runway have increased steadily to 80%. Kanye West's fashion show was one of the few that reflected a diverse group of models wearing his designs. But does the designer have to be Black for Black models to have a chance to be considered for such an event? The system will not change if Blacks continue to support it. It is simply disrespectful to other races when designers fail year after year to hire any Black or minority models. Celebrities and other influential Blacks should realize that it is no longer chic to be attending Fashion Week as their mere presence at shows that lack minority models indicates that it is okay not to hire people like themselves.  Also, entertainment reporters and other Black celebrities hobnobing at this year's Oscar parties indicate support of such blatant biases against nominating minorities It is time for those who are respected by so many to recognize that they are in a position to enable changes to unfair practices that excludes people like themselves. When those minority celebrities take a stand the blatant disregard for others besides the White race will be addressed.

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