Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Thug is a Thug - No Apologies!

Image result for baltimore riot 2015Image result for baltimore riot 2015

Image result for baltimore riot 2015
What else can you call people who burglarize, loot, and burn down buildings where the needy may obtain services that relate to their health? What else can you call people who burn down a structure that is intended to serve the elderly in the community? What else can you call people who have no care for the property of their neighbors and burn their cars? What else can you call a person who cuts a fire hose to prevent firemen from putting out a fire? THUGS!! - that is the only description that these people deserve to be called. While many leaders have to be diplomatic when they describe the offenders in front of a television camera, they certainly know that those unlawful youth who caused mayhem in Baltimore are thugs. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called it as it is when she said the offenders are thugs. It is unfortunate that after speaking the truth, she decided to retract  a statement that is absolutely accurate. Personalities such as Al Sharpton may not see these youth as thugs. He mentioned on the Tom Joyner Morning show that the people are living in poverty and squalor!! Sharpton apparently equates "squalor" to people who instead of making use of so many educational opportunities from an early age have geared their lives to continuing a cycle of obtaining monthly government assistance. However, if Sharpton knew of people worldwide who live by garbage dumps which they use as a resource for food and to make a life, then he would understand the meaning of squalor. No valid excuses can be given for thug behavior of burning down one's own community.
contributed by: ~ J.Y. Campbell, Ed.D.

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