Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Perfect Example of a Two Justice System

Image result for robert bates, eric harrisImage result for robert bates, eric harris
Robert Bates, the 73 year old Oklahoma reserve police officer, pleaded not guilty to second degree manslaughter although it is quite clear that he shot and killed Eric Harris. The shooting may be an accident; however, there is no question that Bates should never have been involved in the take down of Harris. Mistaking a Taser for a gun that kills an individual shows that the handler is incompetent. But, of course, money talks, so there is no surprise that Bates would receive preferential treatment due to his hefty donations to the Tulsa County Sheriff Office, his close friendship with Sheriff Stanley Glanz, and his influence in town. Obviously, Bates seems to also have a close connection with the judge who saw no harm in granting him permission to go on a family vacation to the Bahamas! This action most clearly shows that there are two justice systems - one for the rich and one for the poor. A low income person accused of an accidental shooting would more than likely be incarcerated with little hope of obtaining bail. So, while the Harris family is mourning the death of their loved one, Bates will be enjoying his wealth with his family by basking in the sunshine on the beaches in the Bahamas for a month. What a life! But, it is not surprising to see the injustices in Tulsa as it cannot be forgotten that in 1921 there was a race riot when the prosperous commercial district of Greenwood where African Americans thrived was burned down. Reports indicate that during the time of the riot, there were approximately 3,200 KKK members in Tulsa. During this unforgettable period in history, Tulsa police arrested around 6,000 African American residents; approximately 1,200 of their residences were burned down leaving an estimated 10,000 homeless; and it is also estimated that 50 African Americans were murdered. "The more things change, the more they stay the same".
contributed by ~ Dr. J. Campbell

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