Monday, April 13, 2015

Fast Aging of American Youth

When I saw the Masters golf winner, Jordan Spieth, on television I was impressed with how he dominated throughout and eventually won such an event that is regarded by many as prestigious. Yet, when it was announced that he was only 21 years old, my eyes opened wide and my reaction was, "Come on! Really! No way! He looks so very much older than 21 years!"  Probably the demands of getting to the top of the sport at such an early age has aged Spieth. Nevertheless, he is just an example of how the American youth has been aging so quickly. Yet, from an early age, the American youth seems to prefer to embrace an older appearance that is associated with a mature person who has already lived a long life. In fact, sometimes it is difficult to figure out who is the child and who is the parent since some teenage youth look the same age as their parents or even older than their parents. The American youth is so eager to dress up, look like, and act as an adult that they seem to be erasing an important part of the natural growth process. Sunning, smoking, alcoholic binging, and taking drugs add to the youth looking even older and weathered. It is now a rare occasion to see a teenager that actually looks their age because they have not allowed personalities that bombard the media to influence their appearance. The youth who has maintained his/her natural appearance may also be influenced by parents who ensure that their child continues to act and dress his/her age while in their care. Youth comes but once...enjoy it...there is no need to grow up so fast.and quicken the aging process.

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