Thursday, April 23, 2015

Why Does It Continue To Happen?

Image result for hostages killed in drone
The news today included that American and Italian hostages were accidentally killed during an American counter terrorist military air raid in Pakistan.  Sympathies go out  to the families who have to deal with such devastating losses of their loved ones. CNN's headline asked, "How Did it Happen?" This continued pretense of ignorance by the media and Congress has become tiring.  In one of my previous posts, a similar issue was covered, and the question in that post was, "Why Does This Continue to Happen?" It takes a very special and committed person to become a humanitarian and/or aid worker in a country with natural or political strife.Time and time again, Westerners are made aware that they are not welcome in these countries. So, it is difficult to image why Westerners continue to choose to serve in  such countries where they are attacked, kidnapped, or even murdered. However, global non profits and NGOs continue to advertise job openings to lure many well-intention applicants to these dangerous countries. The assault on Westerners can only be prevented if a stance is taken to stop serving in these dangerous parts of the world. At that time, there will be no need to free hostages or create any fall out when hostages are not freed.

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