Sunday, September 6, 2015

Life Can Quickly Change From Prosperity to Nothing

Image result for homelessness at houston

Negative feedback posted on a website to describe the people and surroundings at a bus station in a well known city brought awareness that these comments are a perfect example with what is wrong in America. The writers seemed to have no compassion for the homeless - only selfish innuendos. Most people believe that they have reached a level where they are safe so they will never experience poverty or homelessness or close to that status. So, these holier-than-thou people will vilify and write disparaging comments about people who have become homeless may be due to unforeseen circumstances. The feedback mentioned words such as "fear" "do not look them in the eye", "up-to-no-good", "get away quickly", etc. etc.  However, some people do not seem to realize that danger comes in all forms including the all American professionally dressed person whose main intentions is to engage customers in bad deals to rip them off. Too often people mistake in a negative way anything that is black or poor or ethnic or make them feel uncomfortable since it does not meet the American standard of acceptance. The next time anyone comes across a homeless man, woman, or child, remember that history has shown that with a snap of a finger even the wealthy and famous have become homeless. So, you can too!

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