Thursday, September 3, 2015

Migrant Crisis in Europe - U.S. Must Bear Some of the Burden

Image result for migrant crisis
Migrants and refugee generally do not leave their countries because they develop a great hatred for the land of their birth. Many hold out until the last moment before they have no choice but to flee. Their dissatisfaction and need to leave often stems from economic or politically related difficulties that make it unbearable to continue to live in these countries. Therefore, had it not been for such issues, then citizens of leading nations in Europe and the United States would not have to constantly complain about migrants or refugees flooding their country.  A yearning to return home never dies and is prevalent for the migrant/refugee especially when they experience unexpected difficulties while living in their adopted land. The Syrians are examples of refugees who are forced to flee from their native land as a result of death and devastation from the civil war, but many have not lost that special love for the country they have lived in for so many years. If it was not for Europe's blind eye to the atrocities that has been plaguing the Syrians and Europe's lack of intervention, then may be the continent would not have to now deal with such an unmanageable migrant crisis. Furthermore, United States may be breathing a sigh of relief that due to its distant location, the nation will not have to deal with the current migrant crisis in Europe. However, history will show that the United States is equal in their failure to intervene during the initial stages of Syria's civil war. This mean that the U. S. must share in the burden with the European nations to take some of the refugees.

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